Shopping for a cause
Our specialty shop, THRIFT UP … in support of the JCH, offers selected furniture items, eclectic bric a brac, contemporary and collector’s edition of books and music – vinyl and CDs – picture frames, rugs and carpets, toys and clothes. The shop will appeal mainly to thrifters and collectors of quality pre-used items, with a varying range of prices compared to our cheaper pop-up and jumble sales.
Key to the strategy for our charity shop is the move towards awareness-raising of the safe disposal of unwanted items such as electronic goods, VHS, children’s products etc., and to promote repurposing, reuse and upcycling to reduce landfill waste.
In order to build a more socially and environmentally conscious business we are working towards a goal of recycled and upcycled stock of 10% within the next financial year. This will be achieved through integrating the children’s skills programmers and other creative after school activities towards production, gearing our children for the option of creative careers and enterprise development. In line with the JCH building a more environmentally conscious business, the JCH kindly appeals for the following items:
- Pre-owned clothes and shoes (clean and in good condition to allow for reuse or resale)
- Books (contemporary) and games
- Bric a brac (includes crockery, cutlery and ornaments)
- Soft furnishings
- Furniture items and rugs/carpets
We do not take the items listed below:
- Outdated school and university text books
- Cosmetics and medicines
- Electronic waste [broken and outdated electronic equipment e.g. vhs, fax machines]
- Plastic and other related items [VHS cassettes, used baby bottles, child car seats, empty yoghurt and margarine plastic containers]
- Single shoes, rain damaged shoes
- Used undergarments
Income generated from our charity shop would not be possible without the support of generous donors of pre-owned items. The Johannesburg Children’s Home remains grateful to the public for these donations. Our children are the main beneficiaries of items such as clothes, shoes, single beds, bedding, toys and games. Stock that is not appropriate for the children is sold through the shop, with all proceeds topping up the funding from the department of social development and other donors.
Please note that donations are accepted at both the JCH at 59 Urania Street in Observatory and at the shop. Pick up of furniture items is by arrangement on dedicated days based on driver availability. Please email to arrange collections.
Thrift up is located at 96 Frances Street, Soho Square cnr Grant Ave, Norwood.