Annette Brokensha Obituary

Annette Brokensha Obituary

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Annette Brokensha, Director of the Johannesburg Children’s Home, on 15 June 2023.

We are deeply saddened by her passing and extend our heartfelt condolences to her family, friends, and peers. Annette was well known in the NGO circles, and in particular the children’s sector for over 20 years.

She committed her life’s work to the development of children, serving as Assistant Director at Childline Gauteng in 2005 and then as Managing Director at the Johannesburg Children’s Home in September 2015. During her time at the Home, she was much loved by the staff and children. She was passionate about providing holistic quality care for the most vulnerable children in the city, as well as the implementation of a self-sustainability strategy to ensure the longevity of the Home.

Annette was a vibrant, enthusiastic, caring, and passionate leader. Her presence will be sorely missed by the staff and children at JCH.

In the meantime, Chairman of the Board of Governors, Sipho Mdluli will serve as Acting Managing Director. He may be contacted at

A memorial service will be held for Annette at the Johannesburg Children’s Home on Thursday 22 June at 3 pm. If you would like to be with us ‘in spirit’, please join us via our YouTube link: