‘Thrift Up’ upmarket shop opens

After much soul searching, JCH took the decision to close our charity shop in Queens Street, and open a new speciality shop with limited upmarket furniture items, antiques, clothing and accessories in Norwood.

Given the downturn in the economy and widespread job losses, our previous shop was unable to operate profitably. Going forward, we’ll use pop up shops when available for jumble sales. We are also planning special events such as book, art and furniture fairs twice a year at venues to be advised.

Your ongoing support is vital
None of this would be possible without the wonderful support you give us, in donating your pre-owned items in saleable condition – thank you!

Our children are the main beneficiaries of this initiative. Donated items of good second hand clothing, shoes, single beds, bedding, toys and games go directly to the kids. Stock that is not appropriate for the children or cottages is sold through these shops and fairs, with all proceeds going towards topping up funding from the Department of Social Development and donations from generous businesses and individuals.

Reduce … Reuse … Recycle
As we move towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly world, the popularity of shops offering recycled and upcycled stock is soaring. Please play your part by donating any pre-owned items in clean and saleable condition, such as:
• Pre owned clothes and shoes
• Books (contemporary) and games
• Crockery, cutlery and ornaments
• Soft furnishings including rugs and carpets
• Furniture

Unfortunately we cannot sell (and thus cannot accept):
• Encyclopedias and outdated school and university text books
•Cosmetics and medicines
•Electronic waste (broken and outdated computers, printers, fax machines and video players)
•Plastic containers (empty yoghurt and margarine tubs, used baby bottles, etc)
• Used undergarments.

We are happy to arrange collection of large items or loads. Please contact our office on 011 023 6871 or email pr@jch.org.za.